Christian County School Board Approves Calendar Revisions

Christian County Board of Education approved calendar revisions, which did not change the last day for students, during a special called meeting Thursday night.

Director of Pupil Personnel Melanie Barrett says teachers and staff must make up two days missed due to inclement weather in 2019.


The last day for students will still be Wednesday, May 20, barring any additional school closures. The last day for teachers will now be Thursday, May 21 and closing day will be Friday, May 22.

Board members also approved the Family Resource and Youth Service Center Statement of Assurances for 2020 to 2022. The statement means that the district follows all state and federal laws concerning the resource centers at each school.

Chief Administrative Officer Laura Morris presented the draft staffing allocation for the 2020-2021 school year. Morris notes the only significant change that may come is pending legislation that could require the district to hire additional guidance counselors. If the legislation is passed with the current wording, the district would have to hire nine more counselors, which could come at a price tag of nearly $500,000.

Members also heard an Instructional Update concerning Deep Dive Data Collection from Interim Chief Instructional Officer Jessica Addison. Additionally, Chief Operations Officer Brad Hawkins and Facilities Coordinator Trevor Herndon presented a facilities update on Freedom and Indian Hills Elementary schools.

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