McConnell Comments On End Of Impeachment Trial

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says the Senate must do what they were created to do Wednesday in ending the Impeachment Trial.

In remarks made Tuesday morning on the Senate floor, McConnell notes they have grappled with the grave subject from a majority in the House of Representatives to remove the president.


McConnell adds there were news articles as soon as President Donald Trump was elected in 2016 saying the impeachment process had already begun.


He says it insults the intelligence of the American people to pretend this was a solemn process reluctantly begun because of the withheld foreign aid.

Over the course of the Impeachment Trial, Senators heard sworn video testimony from 13 witnesses, have entered more than 28,000 pages of documents into evidence and asked 180 questions.

McConnell adds the Constitutional Framers gave our nation an ultimate tool for evaluating a President’s character and policy, the elections.


McConnell urges every one of his colleagues to cast the vote that the facts in the evidence, the Constitution, and the common good clearly require and asks them to vote to acquit the President of the charges.

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