Police Chief Says Violent Crime Down In Hopkinsville

Members of the Hopkinsville Committee of the Whole learned at last week’s meeting that violent crimes in the city have dropped significantly in the last five years.

Hopkinsville Police Chief Clayton Sumner presented the report that showed from 2015 to 2019 violent crime decreased by 42%.


In addition, he said overall crime during that same time span decreased by 14% in the city.

He noted force was used in less than 1% of all arrests.


Sumner says he is also proud of the increase of women and minorities added to the police department.


Chief Sumner also touched on one of the things missing in law enforcement, which is college degrees. However, he notes officers sent for training will not be able to obtain a degree.


He notes the officers will take five additional courses through Bluegrass Community & Technical College during the 20 weeks of training at the Academy in order to obtain the Associate’s Degree.

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