State Senate Committee Passes ‘Born-Alive’ Legislation Thursday

Legislation co-sponsored by state Senator Whitney Westerfield of Crofton that would require a child born alive — under any circumstance — be given the appropriate medical care to preserve the infant’s life is on it’s way to the full Senate for consideration.

The measure, known as Senate Bill 9, and titled the Born-Alive Protection Act passed out of the Senate Veterans, Military Affairs & Public Protection Committee Thursday. Legislators say any violation of the proposed law could result in the medical provider’s license being revoked and felony charges.

While testifying before the committee, Westerfield said that he believes Kentucky ought to have a law that protects children born alive. He added that he was called to serve in the Senate, like many others, because he wanted to stand for the unborn.

Senate Bill 9 would also formalize that any born-alive infant shall be treated as a legal person in state statutes. Another provision would ban scientific research on born-alive infants.

Westerfield stated a baby’s heart can be seen as soon as 22 days after conception. He said each life is human DNA that has never before existed and will never exist again. He added that an abortion happens in the United States about once every 30 seconds, and roughly one out of four women have had an abortion.

Senate Bill 9 contains an emergency clause, meaning it would become effective immediately upon successfully making it through the legislative process rather than 90 days after adjournment.

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