TCHS Exhibition Night Showcasing Student Work Thursday

Students at Trigg County High School will host their annual Exhibition Night Thursday to show what they have been doing over the last few months.

Savannah Garnett tells the News Edge the Exhibition Night allows them to show the community what they learn and adds her project will be about local business history.


Student Megan Hicks notes her class learned about Venezuelan culture.


Kinley Humphries says one of her projects was about Biology.


Sarah Smith adds tunnel books, which allow students to take pictures in different mediums of art and space them out to make a scene, will be showcased by the art classes.

Language teacher Maureen LLarena invites the community to come out and see all of the projects between 6:00 and 7:30 Thursday night throughout the main and vocational buildings at Trigg County High School.


LLarena adds the projects allow students to see how important it is to have self-accountability.

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