More Candidates File To Run For Hopkinsville City Council

Several candidates filed their paperwork Thursday to run for seats on Hopkinsville City Council.

Republican incumbent candidate Jason Bell filed seeking reelection to represent Ward 11. He has served on City Council since 2019 and currently is on the Board of Appeals and the Hopkinsville Cable Television Oversight Authority.

Democrat incumbent Jimmy Dossett is seeking reelection to represent Ward 10. He has served on City Council since 2009 and currently holds positions on the Tax Increment Finance Authority and the Pennyrile Solid Waste Management Authority. He has also served as Vice President and PowWow Chairman for the Trail of Tears Commission for four years and as President of the Vaperz Car & Truck Club for five years.

Republican candidates Nichole Eastman and Robert Almy also filed Friday to run for the Ward 10 seat held by Dossett.

Republican candidate Travis Martin is running for the Ward 6 seat currently held by Democrat Wyndell Lynch.

Republican candidate Dustin Gilbert filed to run for the Ward 7 seat currently held by Democrat Terry Parker.

As of Thursday, the Christian County Clerk’s Office reports there is a Democratic Primary in Wards 6 and 9 and a Republican Primary in Ward 10.

The deadline to file for Hopkinsville City Council is Friday afternoon at 4:00.

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