Lyon County Student Winner Of State Bonnie Cabbage Program

A fourth-grade student at Lyon County Elementary School is the proud owner of one of the biggest cabbages in Kentucky.

Ashley Crumpton says that last year her daughter, Molleigh, took part in the nation-wide Bonnie Third Grade Cabbage Program with her third-grade class in which they were sent small cabbage heads to take home, plant, and grow. She added that Molleigh’s cabbage grew and grew and grew to be nearly the size of Molleigh herself and weighed in upwards of nine pounds.

Molleigh’s cabbage was selected by her third-grade class based on size and appearance and was submitted online to compete against other cabbages across the state. A few months later, Molleigh’s cabbage was selected by the Commission of Agriculture as the overall state winner in Kentucky, based on a random drawing. For winning Molleigh was awarded a $1,000 scholarship that she can later use for continuing her education.

According to Bonnie Plants’ website, the Bonnie Third Grade Cabbage Program began in 1996 with the mission of inspiring a love of vegetable gardening in young people, teaching kids where their food comes from, and growing the next generation of gardeners. Each year, Bonnie Plants trucks more than one million free “oversized” cabbage plants to third-grade classes across the country.

Interested third-grade teachers can sign their classes up by clicking here.

(Story written by Audrey Lamb)

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