CCPS Board Approves Audit Report For FY 2018-2019

The Christian County Board of Education approved the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Audit Report at a special called meeting Thursday night.

Anna Gentry with Duguid, Gentry & Associates informed board members they had a clean opinion which is what the district wants for their audit report.

She also presented a summary of the district’s end of the year bonded debt of over $66 million.

Gentry said there were no findings in the internal control, material weaknesses or significant deficiencies and there were no findings with the federal awards.

Board members tabled action regarding a standard contract between JKS Architecture and the school district for a partial re-roofing project for South Christian Elementary School for over $630,000. No action was taken after board member Jeff Moore questioned the board’s practice to contract JKS for all projects under a $1 million threshold. After a lengthy discussion, Moore said they could possibly save some money by seeking bids for the project. Board Chair Linda Keller noted, from previous experience, the bids could come back higher.

The board agreed to place the item on the agenda for a vote at the next board meeting.

A change order for over $32,000 for the Gateway Academy/Breathitt Center renovation project was also tabled after Chief Operations Officer Brad Hawkins did not recommend the addition of parking, handicap, and visitor’s signs included in the amount, which he stated could be done internally. Hawkins did recommend the additions of a sidewalk with handrails and steps, converting a door into an emergency exit door and painting the machine shop, included in the amount. The board agreed to table action until the next meeting and requested a new cost amount that didn’t include the signs and site supervision cost of $800 for the painting project.

During presentations, Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant Coordinator/Coach Kadi Ralston gave an update on the birth to Age 5 Literacy and Readiness Initiatives and Community Partnerships. She informed the board they attended a school readiness summit in Frankfort with a group of community partners and wrote their own grant for school readiness.

In that grant, she added the big events will be Parent-School Readiness and KinderReady Boot Camp.

The next regular board of education meeting will be Thursday evening, November 21, at 6:00 at the Central Office on Glass Avenue.

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