Pennyrile Alzheimer’s Group Recipients Of Donation From Marathon And 5K

Left to right: Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tab Brockman, Pennyrile Walk to End Alzheimer’s Co-Chair Alan Toliver, Greater Kentucky-Southern Indiana Alzheimer’s Association Chapter Special Events Manager Lisa Schaefer, Walk Co-Chair Cindy Hancock, Hoptown Half & 5K Race Director Korey Raymond, City of Hopkinsville Marketing and Events Coordinator Chris Jung and Parks and Recreation Programs Coordinator Toby Hudson.

Members of the Hoptown Half Marathon and 5K committee donated $1,000 to the Pennyrile Walk to End Alzheimer’s Wednesday.

Hopkinsville Marketing Coordinator Chris Jung says the donation was given to the organization after they agreed to move their walk day to the next day to accommodate the Saturday, September 28 races. The move reportedly led to a successful weekend for both organizations.

For more information on the Pennyrile Walk to End Alzheimer’s, click here.

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