Claussen And YourSportsEdge Win KBA Awards

News Edge Reporter Joshua Claussen and both brought home awards from the Kentucky Broadcaster’s Association awards dinner Monday night.

News Edge News Reporter Joshua Claussen was recognized as Rookie of the Year during the annual awards dinner. Claussen has been a full-time employee of the News Edge since May 2018. Since his full-time employment, Josh has covered a variety of news stories and events such as the June 21 tornadoes, the installation of an Asian Carp Barrier below Barkley Dam and other events. was honored for being the best digital product in the radio division. The award was presented to Tom Rogers, who talked about the start of the website that covers nine area schools and how the website has continued to grow during the past two years.

Rogers was also nominated for Best Radio Sports Play By Play for his coverage of Fort Campbell Falcon Football. The News Edge’s coverage of the June 21, 2019 Tornados was nominated for Best Radio News Coverage and WKDZ was nominated for 2019 Station of the Year.

Others recognized at the awards ceremony included Cadiz native Christy Bollinger with WTVQ, who was named Rookie of the Year in the TV Division. Randy Atcher, Barbara Bailey, Gary Burbank, and Dale McKinney were presented Kentucky Mic Awards and were inducted into the Kentucky Broadcasters Hall of Fame. And Marty Brennaman, who recently retired as the Cincinatti Reds play by play announcer, received the Ralph Gabbard Distinguished Kentuckian Award.

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