Retired Justice Cunningham Visits With Trigg Historical Society

Retired Supreme Court Justice Bill Cunningham visited with members of the Trigg County Historical Society Tuesday evening to speak about preservation of historical buildings.

He spoke to members of the historical society about buildings that have been preserved in several cities in western Kentucky and shared memories about buildings that have since been torn down.

Cunningham tells the News Edge that Cadiz and Trigg County receive an A+ in his book with the work they have done to preserve buildings.


He commends government officials who have worked alongside the historical society to preserve the buildings.


Cadiz and Trigg County will celebrate its bicentennial in 2020, with numerous events already planned and keepsake pins being made to commemorate the special year.

Cunningham adds the bicentennial will be what the city and county make of it and shared a recent example of the Jackson Purchase, which celebrated 200 years last year, but no one knew about it.


The Trigg County Historical Society meets the first Tuesday night of each month in the EOC meeting room directly behind the Trigg County Justice Center at 6:00.

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