Community Event To Help Prepare Students For Back To School

With the start of the new school year, many organizations come together to assist students with necessary supplies and backpacks. Most of those events are scheduled prior to the start of school. One Hopkinsville organization is waiting until the second week of school so students will have a better idea of their needs.

The Hopkinsville Community Friends will sponsor their 8th annual Back to School Bash on Saturday, August 10.

Community Friends member Rosetta Jackson says the first year, they served about 150 students. Last year almost 800 attended. She says they have several partners this year and are expecting even more students.

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She says students will receive the information about the Back to School Bash during the first week of school.

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Jackson says the event will not only provide school supplies, but students will get some valuable information.

right-click to download mp3The parents of those students will also get some much-needed assistance.

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All Nation’s House of Prayer is one of the partners for the Bash, and spokesman, Tom Bell says they are glad to support the organization.

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There is no pre-registration required. Parents and their children are just asked to show up at the old Christian County Middle School Gym on Saturday morning, August 10, at 9:00.The group can still use the community’s help. You can go to the Hopkinsville Community Friends Facebook page for more information and a link to make a donation.

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