Governor Bevin Signs Pension Relief Bill Into Law

House Bill 1, the pension-relief bill, was signed into law Wednesday afternoon. Governor Matt Bevin joined state legislators and stakeholder groups in Frankfort in the Capitol Rotunda to officially sign the bill, which was passed in special session by the General Assembly Wednesday morning.

The pension bill provides vital relief and a path forward for Kentucky’s regional universities and quasi-governmental agencies, who provide critical services to citizens across the state.

When Governor Bevin signed the bill he thanked members of the House and Senate for their diligent work and coming together to pass House Bill 1. He also applauded their dedication to delivering much-needed financial relief for the state’s quasi-governmental agencies and regional universities.

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He went on to say there is still work to be done in addressing the state’s $60 billion public pension crisis, but House Bill 1 represents a positive step forward. Bevin says he is confident that with continued collaboration and hard work, they can save our pension system and preserve it for the thousands of hardworking men and women whose financial futures depend on it.

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