Christian County Distilleries Closer To Sunday Drink Sales

Distilleries in Christian County could soon be on the same footing as restaurants as it pertains to the sale of alcoholic drinks on Sunday. Christian County Fiscal Court magistrates Tuesday morning approved the first reading of an amended ordinance that would allow Sunday alcohol sales in two distilleries in the county.

A.J. Jones with Casey Jones Distillery requested the amendment to the ordinance in order to allow the distilleries to sell alcohol by the drink on Sundays in order to boost tourism sales.

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The ordinance would also allow MB Roland Distillery to sell alcohol by the drink between the hours of 1:00 and 6:00 p.m on Sundays.

County Attorney John Soyars read the amended ordinance which passed by a 5-3 vote with Squires Mark Cansler, Rich Liebe, and Terry Bowman voting no. Squire Jerry Gilliam explained why he was voting in favor of the amendment.

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Judge-Executive Steve Tribble also stated he wanted to go on record that during the second reading if it was a tie vote he is also in favor of allowing Sunday alcohol sales by the drink at the distilleries.

In other business, magistrates unanimously approved the second reading of the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year budget for over $29.8 million which was approved by the state and will be effective July 1, which includes a cost of living increase.

And Christian County Convention and Visitors Bureau Executive Director Brooke Jung presented a video showing the Hopkinsville delegation’s recent trip to Carentan, France. She says it was an incredible experience.

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The next fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday morning, July 9, at 8:30.

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