Freddie Montgomery Selected As Clarksville Fire Chief


Hopkinsville Fire Chief Freddie Montgomery will become the new Clarksville Fire and Rescue Chief after he retires August 1.

Clarksville Mayor Joe Pitts announced Wednesday morning that he chose Montgomery to lead the department. Pitts adds Montgomery was chosen following a nationwide search and consideration of a large field of candidates.

Montgomery announced Tuesday afternoon that he will be retiring from Hopkinsville Fire Department effective August 1.

Mayor Pitts said, “Our search was broad and wide, and plenty of well-qualified candidates were interested in being Clarksville Fire Chief, but after extensive interviews and a rigorous evaluation process, I’m convinced that Freddie Montgomery is the right person to lead our firefighters and emergency responders into the future.”

A search for a new Clarksville Fire Rescue Chief began in January after Fire Chief Michael Roberts announced he would retire after 20 years from the position. A nine-member search committtee, which included citizens, a City Councilman, a former city firefighter and a retired state Deputy Fire Marshall was formed to evaluate applicants.



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