Hopkinsville Fire Chief Retiring After 25 Years of Service

Hopkinsville Fire Chief Freddie D. Montgomery, Jr. has announced that he will be retiring from service effective August 1, 2019.

Montgomery is in charge of daily oversight of city fire and county ambulance services. He’s also intimately involved in leading Hopkinsville to its best-ever national ranking of among the top 2% in fire suppression, implementing higher officer training standards, and eliminating a $450,000 budget deficit in EMS during his time there.

Montgomery was named the 2015 Kentucky League of Cities Employee of the Year and served as the 2nd Vice President for the Kentucky Fire Chiefs Association.

Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks notes Montgomery’s leadership will be missed and his legacy will be felt for generations.

Chief Montgomery shared comments during the Hopkinsville City Council meeting Tuesday night, stating he’s grateful for the support received from his community.


The City of Hopkinsville will host a farewell reception in honor of Chief Montgomery on Tuesday afternoon, July 16th at 5:00 at the Hopkinsville Municipal Center located at 715 South Virginia Street. The event is open to the public.
(Story written by Hannah Crisp)

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