KSP Conducting Traffic Safety Checkpoints in Caldwell and Christian Counties


Kentucky State Police Post Two will be conducting several traffic safety checkpoints over the next few weeks, including in Caldwell and Christian counties.

District Two comprises of Caldwell, Christian, and several other counties within the Pennyrile Region. Some of the checkpoints in Christian County include the intersection of KY 91 and KY 1026 at Clark Store Sinking Fork Road and the intersection of KY 507 and KY 508 just outside of Hopkinsville. More locations in Christian County and throughout Post Two can be found online here.

Traffic safety checkpoints in Caldwell County will be at the intersection of KY 91 and KY 139, the intersection of KY 126 and KY 672, and US 62 at the Lyon County Line.

State police utilize traffic safety checkpoints to promote safety for motorists. The intent of the stops is to provide for a high visibility, public safety service, focusing on vehicular equipment deficiencies and confirming appropriate registration and insurance. Drivers who have their operator’s license, vehicle registration receipt, and proof of insurance readily accessible and no law violations can expect a delay of up to a few minutes during a stop.

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