Trigg County Family History To Be Published In A Book

The Trigg County Historical Society is working to compile another countywide family history book.

Society President Bob Brame says Vice-President David Shore, Deborah Bridges, and Keith Oakley will serve on a committee as community representatives, along with Ricky Calhoun, Ph.D. to put the book together.

This project will be the latest in a series of books that were published over 30 years ago.

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The book will be published with the assistance of Acclaim Press out of Morley, Missouri.

Brame notes every Trigg County family can submit family history for the book.

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The book, ‘Trigg County, Kentucky History and Families Book, Volume III’, is planned to be released in the fall of 2020 to coincide with the county’s bicentennial.

Brame adds the historical society will be getting ready for the bicentennial later this year.

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The society meets the first Tuesday of each month.

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Meetings take place in the meeting room adjacent to the Historical Museum behind the Trigg County Justice Center.

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