Nickel Tax To Be Placed On November General Election Ballot

During their Thursday night meeting, Christian County Board of Education members made the decision to put the fate of the nickel tax on the November General Election ballot.

After over thirty minutes in a closed session to discuss the proposed litigation regarding the affidavit and petition protesting the tax, board members discussed the options of either hosting a special election or putting it on the November ballot.

Board member Tom Bell says he does not want the expense of a special election, which would have cost around $70,000. He adds they need to spend the time garnering support from the community for a successful outcome.

Board chair Linda Keller had mixed feelings about both options they were faced with.

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She adds they will have a long road ahead of them.

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After discussions, members voted 3-2 to put the nickel tax on the November General Election ballot, with Keller and Sue Hayes casting votes against waiting until then.

As we have previously reported, board members voted to approve the 5.5-cent per $100 tax rate increase for real and personal property during their February meeting. The extra tax revenue would raise the districts bonding potential from around $15 million to over $50 million. The tax was passed solely for building new academic buildings at both high school campuses in Christian County.

In other business, members approved the tentative budget for the 2019-2020 school year.

Members also approved to use Roberts Insurance for Student Insurance at a cost of nearly $171,000. Chief Operations Officer Brad Hawkins notes this is an increase from the cost of insurance for the current school year.

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The next school board meeting will take place on Thursday evening, June 20 at 6:00 at the Christian County Board of Education.

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