School Board Discusses Options For Health Clinics

Trigg County School Board members Thursday night discussed other options to operate the school’s health clinics due to a significant cost increase to renew their contract with the Pennyrile District Health Department for the next school year.

Since 2017, the school has contracted with the Pennyrile District Health Department at a cost of $100,000, which includes the nurse’s salaries and covers some supplies. Superintendent Travis Hamby recommended they look at other options due to a significant contract increase with the Pennyrile District for the 2019-2020 school year.

The school district’s Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses, who have been contracted with Pennyrile District Health Department since 2017, attended the meeting and answered several questions from board members and talked about their needs. The nurses also discussed the number of students they administer prescription medications and other health-related issues they handle on a daily basis, as well as some of their limitations.

The nurses were previously contracted with the Todd County Health Department and stated consistency is important because each time they change health district’s they lose valuable information.

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Board member Charlene Sheehan requested school board attorney Howell Hopson to include language in the contract negotiations that the district’s nurses retain the records.Hamby said they will continue school health clinics, and Board member Clara Beth Hyde added that a school nurse is vitally important.

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After the discussion, board members unanimously authorized Hamby to issue a request for proposal (RFP) for the operation of the school’s health clinics.The next regularly scheduled school board meeting will be Thursday evening, April 25, at 6:00.

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