Comer Requests More Funding To Combat Asian Carp

First District Congressman James Comer is requesting more federal funding to help eradicate the Asian carp problem in area rivers and lakes that is threatening the economy.

Comer testified before the House Appropriation Committee’s Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies in Washington D.C. Wednesday. He stated Lake Barkley and Kentucky Lake in his congressional district has some of the top outdoor recreational sites including boating, camping, fishing and other activities that have an estimated $1.2 billion economic impact in the region. However, he says Asian carp are threatening the economy.

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He added that state agencies utilize state Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) plans to combat the spread of invasive species in their waterways. In Fiscal Year 2018, Comer noted $2 million was appropriated to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to support these plans. However, he noted when that money is distributed amongst the states it comes out to about $47,000 per state. To better support state-based efforts, Comer is requesting more funding.

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Lyon County Judge-Executive Wade White, who has been instrumental in the war on Asian carp, said Congressman Comer has been working on the Asian carp problem from the beginning and his dedication to solving this problem will benefit not only western Kentucky but also all communities up and down the river systems.

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