Human Trafficking Presentation To Be Given Thursday Night

Alex Ethridge

A Trigg County High School student will be presenting important information on the dangers of human trafficking during a special presentation Thursday night.

Senior Alex Ethridge is participating in the Senior Directed Experience program which allows her to create her own schedule for the school year, which means she is not required to be at school. During the school year, she has been able to focus on her college classes, co-op job, and learning more about the law field which she is interested in.

Ethridge tells the News Edge she has been working all year on the special presentation, which is mandatory for students in the Senior Directed Experience program.

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The project will connect everything she has learned.

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Ethridge reports the number of human trafficking cases has increased over the last few years.

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Ethridge’s presentation will also feature what to look for in a potential human trafficking case and how to raise awareness.

The presentation will begin at 6:30 PM in the Trigg County High School Little Theater and everyone is invited to attend.

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