HCA Hosts Special 25th Anniversary Chapel Service

Heritage Christian Academy is celebrating 25 years of teaching children in a faith-based Christian environment this year.

Pastor Kent Workman

During a special chapel held Thursday morning, founding board member Pastor Kent Workman told the large crowd of students, parents, and community members that the vision for the school did not come from any one man.

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He notes work began in early 1994 to begin the foundation for the school.

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According to Workman, a lot of work was done from that point with the first classes beginning in September 1994. Hillcrest Baptist Church hosted the elementary school classes, with Second Baptist Church housing the middle and high school classes. The classes were held in the churches until their building located off of Eagle Way Bypass was completed in the fall of 2000.Workman hopes the school will continue to be a success over the next 25 years.

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Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks

Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks told students they need to recommit themselves to the ideals that make the school a success.

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The special chapel service was held in the gymnasium. Guests also took part in singing praise music with the schools praise band and special guests Cayce Burks, Rachel Crick, and Brian Harrell.

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