Property Owners Need To Prepare For Rising Lake Levels

Lake Barkley Dam

Residents who live along Lake Barkley and Kentucky Lake need to prepare for rising lake levels to continue through the end of this week.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lake Barkley Resource Manager Kayl Kite tells the News Edge Lake Barkley is currently just above the normal summer pool level of 359 (AMSL). He adds they are making discharge cuts at both dams Monday, specifically Lake Barkley which will cause an increase in the water level by the weekend.

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Lake Barkley
He says the rising water level will affect anyone who has property adjacent to the Lake Barkley and Kentucky Lake. Kite advises anyone that lives along the shoreline to make preparations now.

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In addition, he adds the rising water will affect over two dozen roads in the counties around the lakes.

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Kite notes the water level will rise about 9 feet by the weekend.Motorists traveling around the lakes area will need to use extra caution and should not drive through any water over the roadways. Remember, Turn Around – Don’t Drown.

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