U.S. Senator Supports Wall Over New Ft. Campbell Middle School

A U.S. Senator from South Carolina is showing support for diverting military construction spending, some of which is set to build a new school in the region, in order to build a wall on the Mexico border.

In a Sunday morning interview on CBS’s ‘Face the Nation’, Senator Lindsey Graham says the wall is of more importance than a new middle school at Fort Campbell.

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$62 million is slated to go toward the middle school project which was a part of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 that became law in August 2018.

Graham adds he has always supported securing the southern border.

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He goes on to say it is up to President Donald Trump to decide where the funds will come from to pay for the wall. Trump declared a national emergency on Friday in order to avoid another government shutdown.

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