Congressman Comer Says No To Governor’s Race


Congressman James Comer, who was believed to be putting his name in the hat for the Governor’s race in 2019, has now said he will not run.

Comer had expressed interest in running for the state’s highest office but has since turned down the opportunity to run. In a statement released Sunday evening, Comer says he loves Kentucky and that it breaks his heart to see how divided the state is. He goes on to say he believes the broken pension system and the tax code can be fixed, but that it requires boldness and effective leadership from the Governor.

Comer told the News Edge earlier this month he would only run if Governor Bevin drops out of the race.

Comer adds “Kentucky deserves better than a Governor who belittles anyone who disagrees with him, who has not set foot in many of our desperate rural communities, who has zero accessibility to most of Kentucky’s elected officials, and who has spent more time traveling outside Kentucky than getting to experience the uniqueness and greatness of Kentucky and it’s people.”

Comer is the 1st District Representative, which includes all of western Kentucky.

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