SWK Working To Bring New Industry To The Region

The South Western Kentucky (SWK) Economic Development Council is working diligently to bring new industry to the region. They serve Christian, Todd and Trigg counties and work with companies to try and locate new facilities and expand existing ones.

Executive Director Mark Lindsey says the area they serve has over 100,000 residents and several factories.

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Lindsey adds improvements have helped to make the three country region more desirable to industries. He notes the recent designation of the Pennyrile Parkway to Interstate 169 from Nortonville to Hopkinsville could have great impacts on their efforts.

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According to Lindsey, one of the common misconceptions involving the SWK is that they are a part of the Christian County Chamber of Commerce.

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They receive funding from several different sources.

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The South Western Kentucky Economic Development Council has helped to bring in the Novelis aluminum factory being constructed in Guthrie, along with the Vertical Hemp Company in Cadiz.Lindsey was the guest speaker during the weekly meeting of the Hopkinsville Rotary Club Tuesday afternoon.

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