Boling Wants To Crack Down On Weapons In Wrong Hands

The newly sworn-in commonwealth’s attorney in Christian County says his main focus as a prosecutor will be cracking down on guns being in the hands of juveniles and convicted felons in the community.

After being sworn in Sunday, Rick Boling tells the News Edge he’s very fortunate and it feels good to be back in the Commonwealth’s Attorney office. Boling says his main focus will be weapons in the hands of convicted felons, juveniles and those people who cannot lawfully possess guns.

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Boling says there are about 450 cases currently pending when he took office and he and his staff are going through each one to identify which cases may be resolved and which ones need to go to trial.

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After January 16th, Boling says he will have three Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorneys in his office.

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Boling previously served as commonwealth’s attorney from 2000 to 2006 when he was defeated by his assistant commonwealth’s attorney Lynn Pryor. She served in the office for twelve years and was defeated by Boling in the 2018 November general election.

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