HES Presents Annual Report To City Council


HES President/CEO Jeff Hurd

Hopkinsville City Council was presented Hopkinsville Electric System’s audit and annual report at Tuesday night’s meeting.

Anna Gentry with Duguid, Gentry & Associates provided council a brief summary of the audit for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 and said HES received a clean opinion.

HES President and CEO Jeff Hurd presented the annual report and said safety is one of the key components of their mission statement.

He also gave an update on one of the projects underway in Hopkinsville, which is replacing some outdated street lights.

In addition, he said they are continuing to focus on providing gigabit internet to all residents of Hopkinsville.

In other business, council members approved the appointment of twelve members to the Recovery Action Plan Advisory Committee to develop a ten-year vision for parks, recreation, greenway/trails/sidewalk connectivity, and general sustainability practices for a happier, healthier Hopkinsville by 2030.

HFD Lt. Edwin Moore

During recognitions, recently retired Hopkinsville Fire Department Lieutenant Edwin Moore was recognized for his service and dedication since 1999 and after ten years as a firefighter, Marc London was promoted to Lieutenant and sworn-in by Mayor Carter Hendricks. In addition, Mayor Hendricks recognized Jaseyonia Wilfong, a third-grade student at Sinking Fork Elementary School, who was Mayor for a Day.



HFD Lt. Marc London


Mayor Carter Hendricks & Mayor for a Day, Jaseyonia Wilfong

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