Jung Receives NASA Award For Eclipse Contributions

NASA has recognized Eclipse Consultant and Hopkinsville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Director Brooke Jung. Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks congratulated Jung Friday for receiving the Group Achievement Award from NASA’s Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) for her contributions to the Marshall Space Flight Center Science Team. Mayor Hendricks says Jung was instrumental in assembling and directing the planning team for the spectacular international astronomy event.

Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tab Brockman who worked closely with Jung on eclipse preparations says the Solar Eclipse enabled Hopkinsville to take the international spotlight. He adds Jung did a masterful job coordinating the efforts of dozens of agencies and departments to make everyone welcome.

The achievement award honors a team of employees comprised of government and non-governmental personnel. The award, presented by NASA Heliophysicist Mitzi Adams, is in recognition of outstanding accomplishment through the coordination of individual efforts that have contributed substantially to the success of NASA’s Engineering and Safety Center’s mission.

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