Council Approves 2nd Reading Of 2018 Property Tax Rate

Hopkinsville City Council approved the second reading of the 2018 property tax rate and recognized Police Chief Clayton Sumner and ECC during a special called meeting Tuesday night.

City Clerk Crissy Upton read the property tax rate ordinance, which Mayor Carter Hendricks said is the same tax rate as the past three years.

The tax rate was approved by an 11-0 vote with council member Don Ahart absent from the meeting.

Council also unanimously approved a 1997 Jeep Cherokee used by the Community and Development Services for project inspections, and five Smith and Wesson .40 caliber pistols from the Hopkinsville Police Department as surplus.

Police Chief Clayton Sumner was recognized for his recent award and selection as the Kentucky League of Cities Employee of the Year. He said he is simply the face of the person holding the award, but it’s the 115 employees doing the work that they believe in every day. He noted that 2018 has been a very trying year for the police department.

Chief Sumner recognized ECC for its recent Public Safety Answering Point of the Year award. He said the way the telecommunicators handled the shooting death of Officer Phillip Meacham is one example of why ECC received the award.

Chief Sumner also recognized ECC Supervisor Tifani Buccellato for her recent promotion to shift supervisor.

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