Trooper Killed In Line Of Duty Remembered Thursday

Members of Kentucky State Police, other law enforcement agencies, family and friends gathered at the 49-mile marker along Interstate 24 in Lyon County Thursday evening to remember the sacrifice of Trooper Cameron Ponder.

 September 13, marked the three year anniversary of the tragic day Trooper Ponder was fatally shot in the line of duty during a traffic stop in Lyon County on Interstate 24. Trooper Ponder served with Kentucky State Police Post 1 in Mayfield and was assigned to Trigg County.

Although it’s a sad day for his mother, Brenda Tiffany, spoke with the News Edge and said the importance of the ceremony is that her son is not forgotten.

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KSP Post 1 Public Information Officer Trooper Jay Thomas says Ponder stood out from the other troopers.

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He adds it is important for them as an agency and fellow troopers that worked with Trooper Ponder to remember him.

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State Troopers stood at attention while a black wreath with Trooper Ponder’s picture was placed alongside his memorial. The Troopers along with Ponder’s mother were then led in prayer and some final words were shared about memories of the trooper who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Earlier in the day Thursday, the Spirit of Blue Foundation’s “Trooper Cameron Ponder Memorial” grant presented a check for $83,970 to the Kentucky State Police Foundation for the purchase of tourniquets and duty-belt cases for all of the agency’s troopers and officers.

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