Fire Chief Pitches Future Needs To Committee

Hopkinsville’s Committee of the Whole was presented the fire department’s quarterly report last week, which included an update regarding staffing and future needs to help provide better service.

Chief Freddie Montgomery stated they would be fully staffed after 15 trainees complete and graduate from the academy on September 1st. With the supervisor positions now filled, he noted they are waiting for them to get on shifts and relieve some of the overtime stress.

According to the report, firefighters responded to 752 fire incidents in the second quarter. Chief Montgomery noted their average response time was approximately 1 minute.

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In order to move the fire department forward into the future, he said they need to start thinking about purchasing a new ladder truck to replace the current truck purchased in 1999. He noted the truck was made by two companies that no longer exist and they cannot get replacement parts when needed. Chief Montgomery said they started talking about purchasing a new ladder truck four years ago when the cost was approximately $1 million, and the price continues to climb.

right-click to download mp3He said they also need to look at adding a new station in the second industrial park area because of the longer response time it takes firefighters to get to that location. In addition, Mayor Carter Hendricks reminded the committee that the EDC had established a second commerce park site.

right-click to download mp3Next month is the anniversary of the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil. In honor and remembrance of those that died that horrific day, Chief Montgomery said they will be holding a 9/11 ceremony.

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The hour-long ceremony on September 11th will be held at the Hopkinsville Fire Department located at 116 West 1st Street.

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