Judge White Happy With Passage Of Carp Funding

Area officials are pleased with the Senate’s passage Wednesday of a measure to provide additional funding to combat the spread of Asian Carp in area lakes.

Lyon County Judge Executive Wade White, who has led the fight to get Congress to provide funding to eliminate this invasive species, tells the News Edge he’s very happy U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was able to get the provision in the government funding bill passed in the Senate. He says it means a lot to the area because not only did the Senate increase funding for Asian Carp removal, but it also put the lakes on the map.

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He adds this is a first step of many, but it’s a very important step and it happened really quick. Judge White says the turnout at the Congressional Hearing last Friday was incredible with over 350 people coming out to show support in the War on Carp.

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He adds he’s extremely happy of the show of support and solidarity in this mission to see the Asian Carp removed.Judge White says positive progress is continuing to occur in the War on Carp.

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The legislation passed by the U.S. Senate Wednesday must now go to a House/Senate Committee for approval.

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