Back To School With Mrs. Pickle Wednesday


The Christian County Literacy Council invites you to the 2018 Back to School and Pickle Potpourri Picnic with Mrs. Pickle. During the picnic Wednesday, Mrs. Pickle will have different kinds of pickle snacks for the kids to enjoy.
Carolyn Haddock, also known as Mrs. Pickle, says she started using pickles in her teaching in a kindergarten class.

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She adds the main way she gained the name Mrs. Pickle was by giving each kid a piece of a pickle at the end of her teaching.

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Haddock says she loves the way she has accidentally became Mrs. Pickle.

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She tells the News Edge at the event Wednesday the topics she will discuss with the kids is kindness and school. School supplies, pickle treats and free books will be available for all of the kids at the Back to School and picnic with Mrs. Pickle Wednesday afternoon at 4:00 at the Hopkinsville Library. If you have any questions or would like to register your kid for the event, you can contact the Christian County Literacy Council at (270)962-7114 or (270)886-8308.

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