Letters Of Support Needed To Help Fight Asian Carp

The public is invited to a Congressional Field Briefing that will be held next week in Lyon County to help fight the Asian Carp problem in lakes in the Land Between the Lakes Recreational Area.

Lyon County Judge Executive Wade White tells the News Edge Congressman James Comer will be conducting the War on Carp briefing Friday afternoon, July 27, at 2:00 at the Lyon Convention Center located at 309 Lee S. Jones Park Drive in Eddyville.

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Although the public will not be allowed to speak during the Congressional Field Briefing, he says you can send letters to support Congressman Comer as he fights to get funding from Congress to battle the Asian Carp problem in area lakes.

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If you are not able to attend the briefing, Judge White adds they will be providing a live stream.

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For more information, tune in to the Country Club Wednesday morning around 8:50 and Judge White will be discussing the Congressional Field Briefing and the Asian Carp problem that is destroying the eco-system in lakes around the region.

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