Fireworks Can Be Traumatic For Pets

Fireworks and pets don’t mix. Did you know more pets run away on the 4th of July than any other day? That’s why as pet owners we need to take extra precautions to make sure our pets are safe and not traumatized by the fireworks.

Trigg County Veterinary Clinic Veterinarian Dr. Erin Graves tells the News Edge July 4th can be a very stressful time for pets. She says there are a few things you can help alleviate some of your pet’s anxiety:

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If your pet has had severe anxiety in the past from fireworks, Dr. Graves adds you may discuss with your veterinarian what you can do.

Pet MD also recommends considering taking a night trip in the car to a remote getaway, board your pets for the night in an out-of-the-way facility, sound-proof and white-noise your house starting well in advance of the festivities by turning on televisions, radios, using heavy curtains, and leaving windows closed.

Dr. Graves says your local animal shelter is a good place to start the process of finding your pet if it runs away.

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Also, be mindful there are some other things that can be hazardous for your pets on July 4th. Festive foods and activities can potentially be deadly.

The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center offers the following tips:

– Never leave alcoholic drinks unattended where pets can reach them.

– Do not apply sunscreen or insect repellent products to your pet that is not labeled specifically for pets.

– Always keep matches and lighter fluid out of your pets’ reach.

– Keep your pets on their normal diet.

– Keep citronella candles, insect coils and tiki torch products out of reach.

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