Weather Update


There has been just a few scattered showers and thunderstorms around this afternoon but not as plentiful as yesterday. Very hot and humid weather will be in place for the 4th, and even into Thursday. A Heat Advisory goes into effect at 11 AM tomorrow and has been extended until 8 PM on Thursday. Widespread near 105F heat index readings are likely, with some areas in the 105-110F range both afternoons. The heat and humidity over the next couple of days will be extremely dangerous. Considering the number of outdoor activities associated with the 4th of July, the concern for heat related illnesses is only heightened. Take extra care over the next couple of days. The heat will be stifling for those outdoors, with little relief in the shade expected, as very light wind is forecast. Spend as much time indoors in air conditioning as you can. Only minor relief is anticipated at sunset, through about 10 p.m. as heat indices will still be in the upper 80s to mid 90s the evening of the 4th. But relief is on the way. A cold front is expected to actually make it through the area by Friday night. Rain and thunderstorms will break out ahead of the front. By Saturday, cooler and drier air arrive with highs in the low to mid 80’s. This may be one of the best weekends in a couple of months as far as comfortable weather is concerned. Blue skies and abundant sunshine along with the lower humidity will make for a really nice day compared to what we have had. Enjoy it while you can. We return to the heat and humidity next week. A Thought; To all of the wonderful people in my life, and who are my friends on here, this is my wish for you. May you always have happiness to keep you smiling, trials to keep you strong, success to keep confident, faith to keep you going and belief that each day is a gift. It is not important for life to meet your great expectations. What is important is that you hold high expectations of yourself and meet them greatly. Give yourself freedom to try out new things. Don’t be so set in your ways that you can’t grow.

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