Trigg Magistrates Change Views on Sunday Alcohol Sales


Trigg Fiscal Court backtracked Monday night on Sunday alcohol sales. After voting earlier this month to consider an amendment to the county alcohol ordinance to allow the sale of liquor by the drink on Sundays, magistrates voted unanimously to table the issue.

Magistrates Donnie Tyler, Mike Wright, Scotty Hampton and Jeff Broadbent

The vote came after comments from Stanley Harrell and Gene Oiler. Harrell encouraged all magistrates to vote against amending the ordinance.

Oiler noted the sale of alcohol on Sunday would be a bad decision.

Both were supported by a large crowd from their respective churches. Following their comments, Magistrate Larry Lawrence made a motion to kill the discussion about Sunday alcohol sales.

Magistrates John Gray (left) and Larry Lawrence (right)

Magistrate Jeff Broadbent, who cast the lone no vote June 4, seconded the motion to stifle Sunday alcohol sales. Magistrate Mike Wright added he regretted voting for the original motion.

In other business, Trigg County Judge Executive Hollis Alexander introduced a proposal to create a taxing district to help fund the operation of Trigg County Hospital.

Alexander says the proposed ordinance will add a tax of ten cents per hundred dollars of assessed value.

First reading of the ordinance will be held at the July meeting.

Residents Susan Kyler and Jan Culwell said they are in favor of a new tax to help support the hospital, while John Oliver questioned the need for any new taxes. He suggested shutting down the hospital’s struggling surgical wing.

Magistrates approved the 2018-19 budget after second reading. Court members approved a refinancing ordinance for the Pennyrile Area Development District.

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