Long, Goslyn Sentenced In 2012 Fidelio Road Murder


Christian Circuit Court Judge Andrew Self imposed final sentencing Wednesday in the murder of Army Sergeant Vincent Goslyn on Fidelio Road in February 2012.

In April, Goslyn’s wife, Jessie Goslyn pleaded guilty to complicity to murder and agreed to a recommended prison sentence of 22.5 years in the murder of her husband, a Fort Campbell soldier. The plea agreement was entered into after her former boyfriend, Jared Long pleaded guilty in February to first-degree murder in the shooting death of Sgt. Goslyn.

Before final sentencing, Jessie Goslyn’s Public Defenders Clay Beineke and William Maddox requested an evidentiary hearing based on findings supporting domestic violence. However, Commonwealth’s Attorney Lynn Pryor stated this was the first she had heard of a claim of any domestic violence, adding this is something the attorney’s have concocted to reduce Goslyn’s sentence.

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Judge Self agreed that this was the first he had heard of domestic violence being involved, also. He then postponed final sentencing and scheduled an evidentiary hearing for July for Goslyn and Long. Judge Self then allowed a family member of Sgt. Goslyn to read a statement on behalf of the family.

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Following the statement and after a conference between Goslyn and her attorneys, they withdrew their earlier request and asked Judge Self to proceed with her final sentencing.

Jared Long also spoke at the sentencing and stated he was sorry, and he didn’t kill Sgt. Goslyn for money.

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Judge Self then sentenced Goslyn to 22.5 years in prison and Long was sentenced to 30 years.

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