Cadiz Rotary Club 2018 Need-Based Education Grants Application

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Need-Based Education Grants


General Requirements for Applicants:


  1. In order to comply with our mission to support youth and senior citizens, the applicants age must be 24 or under OR 55 or older.


  1. Applicant must be attending an accredited higher education institution or an accredited vocational/technical training program.


  1. A minimum 2.0 GPA is required.


  1. Applicant must be able to provide financial information to show actual need for assistance.


  1. Personal interviews of applicants will be conducted by the Cadiz Rotary Club Need Based Education Committee.


  1. Applicant must be a resident of Trigg County.




  1. Applications must be completed and turned in by June 15.


  1. Grants are paid directly to the post-secondary institution.


  1. Essay must be hand-written by the applicant.


  1. Letters of recommendation must be submitted with application.


  1. Student Aid Report (SAR) must be included with application.


  1. Grants are awarded in the sole discretion of the Cadiz Rotary Club based upon these general requirements & guidelines. Cadiz Rotary Club reserves the right to change the General Requirements & Guidelines for any future grant funding cycle.


  1. The Cadiz Rotary Club and its Need-Based Education Committee do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex, or disability.




Name ____________________________ Sex ______ Age ______


Home Address ________________________Phone:____________

Cell Phone Number _________  Email Address:  ______________




What college, university, vocational or technical school do you plan to attend?  Please indicate if you have already been accepted?  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Estimated Yearly Cost of Education:  _______________________


Planned Major and/or Career Goal: _________________________ ______________________________________________________




Father’s Full Name:  __________Living _____ Deceased ______

Occupation & Where Employed:  _____________________


Mother’s Full Name:  _________ Living _____ Deceased ______

Occupation & Where Employed:  _____________________


Brother(s) & Sister(s) Names (Under Age 18):  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


With Whom Does Applicant Live?  _________________________


Applicant’s Contribution to Family Income: __________________

Applicant’s Employer ___________________________________


Financial Assistance Received:  (financial aid, other scholarships, public agencies, etc.)  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Please attach copy of last year’s tax forms or other documentation showing financial need.  (This must be a legal document).



Applicant should attach a statement in his or her own handwriting on “Why I need this grant”.



Awards, Honors, School & Community Activities, and Extracurricular Activities:







List 2 Character References:  (A teacher & a community leader.  Neither reference should be related to applicant.  Also include letters of recommendation from each.)









*Don’t forget to include the following:

  1. Hand-written essay on “Why I need this grant”.
  2. 2 Letters of Recommendation
  3. Proof of Financial Need (SAR Report, Income Tax Return, W-2 Forms)
  4. Proof of GPA







To the best of my ability, I certify that all provided information within this grant application is true.


Signature ______________________ Date: _______________



Return your completed application to WKDZ/WHVO, P. O. Box 1900, Cadiz, KY 42211.


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