Be Alert For Farm Equipment on the Highway


The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet has issued an alert advising motorists to be alert for farm equipment on the move along highways across the region.

Last year, there were 189 farm tractor related crashes in Kentucky. There were 40 injury crashes and 6 farm tractor related fatal crashes on Kentucky highways.

Farmers are working long hours in an effort to get their crops planted and are on the move traveling from field to field.

Many crashes involving farm equipment occur when motorists attempt to pass slow moving equipment and misjudge the speed of oncoming traffic, or are unaware that farm equipment is preparing to make a turn. Motorists are asked to practice patience whenever they encounter tractors and other farm equipment on the move.

Warmer temperatures mean more farmers will be out in the fields and on the road. All drivers need to be alert, slow down, and share the road with farm equipment.

For their part, farmers are reminded to provide proper escort for large farm equipment, and to maintain flashing lights on all equipment that has to be moved along highways. Farmers are also asked to pull over from time to time when the opportunity arises to allow backed up traffic to pass safely.

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