Focus 21 Hosts Democrat Circuit Court Clerk Candidate Forum


During a Focus Minority Leadership Forum Thursday night, Democrat candidates for Christian Circuit Court Clerk, Paige Eli Parker and Trent Haddock, answered several questions from their experience for the position and leadership style to transparency and how they could diversify the staff.

Candidates were also asked what changes they would implement to either enhance customer service or improve operations if elected. Parker says the first thing, and the most important thing she would do is cross-train all staff members.

Haddock says the main concern he has consistently heard about, even though he does not work at the courthouse, is with staffing in the driver’s license division.

When asked about what leadership qualities they have to be Circuit Court Clerk, Parker says it’s about communicating and teamwork.

Haddock cited his supervisory experience of nine years over approximately 50 employees.

Candidates were also asked why they were running for the Circuit Clerk’s office. Haddock says his grandfather, Jack and father, Gary have served in the position since the 1970s and he feels like it’s his calling.

Parker says she is running for the position because she feels she has the experience needed and it is time for a change in leadership.

The candidates will face off in the May 22 Primary election.

A small crowd attended the forum held at the Hopkinsville Community College Auditorium.

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