Judge White Needs Public’s Help On Controversial US 641 Route


A Lyon County official needs the public to get involved and help stop a controversial highway that would destroy homes and farmland in the county.

Judge Executive Wade White says US 641, a new route between Eddyville and Marion, has been in the works for about 25 years. He notes the state has put together about fourteen different routes that were never popular because they destroyed too many homes and cut through too many farms. However, Judge White says there is another route he’s proposing for the state to consider that would be better and less costly, but he says the state is reluctant to move the highway.

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He says two years ago they presented Route A to state officials. Judge White says they informed him the state didn’t have the money and it would take a while to get it. Fast forward to today and Judge White says the state now has the money because they passed a $55 million budget to spend on this road. Plus, he notes the state would actually be saving money if they chose the proposed route.

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Judge White is asking the public to get involved by going to a website and filling out a form to choose which route they feel is best.

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