HES Honored With National Safety Award


Hopkinsville Electric System has earned the prestigious American Public Power Association’s Safety Award for Excellence for safe operating practices in 2017. The utility earned a First Place Award in the category for utilities with 60,000 to 109,999 worker-hours of annual worker exposure.

HES General Manager Jeff Hurd says they have gone 5,500 days without a recordable loss time injury.

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Hurd says they are proud of the safety award, a testament to the hard work that goes into ensuring that their team members go home safe to their families every day.

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More than 300 utilities entered the annual Safety Awards, which officials indicate is the highest number of entrants in the history of the program.The Safety Awards have been held annually for the last 59 years. The American Public Power Association is the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that power 2,000 towns and cities nationwide.

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