Award Winning Eastern Kentucky President Has Christian County Ties


The president of Alice Lloyd College in Eastern Kentucky, who has ties to Christian County, has been announced as the recipient of the 2018 Private Individual Award by the East Kentucky Leadership Foundation.

He is Dr. Joe A. Stepp, who is the longest-serving president in Alice Lloyd College history serving for 19 years. He is also the first native Appalachian to assume the president’s position.

Dr. Stepp is married to Christian County native, Cindy Clark Stepp who is the daughter of James and Becky Clark of the Casky Community. Her brother is Christian County School Board member Lindsey Clark.

The award honors individuals whose private service is dedicated to the betterment of the region, and it is one of seven awards presented by the East Kentucky Leadership Foundation each year.

Alice Lloyd College is in Pippa Passes, Kentucky. It is widely recognized as a highly respected, private, four-year, liberal arts institution dedicated to providing leadership education to some of the brightest and best students in the Appalachian region.

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