Possible Mumps Exposure At Ft. Campbell


Army Public Health officials are tracking possible mumps exposure at Fort Campbell.

Blanchfield Army Community Hospital officials say U.S. Army Public Health officials are investigating possible mumps cases among a Fort Campbell family and are working to notify personnel who may have been exposed.

BACH Chief of Public Health Nursing Major Simone Edwards says in a release the hospital at Fort Campbell sent lab results to the Tennessee Department of Health to determine if the case is mumps positive and have started notifying people who may have been exposed as a precautionary measure to limit possible exposure.

Officials say one of the family members attended an elementary school on post and medical officials are working with the school to notify parents of students who may have been exposed. Each family will reportedly receive a letter and a fact sheet with symptoms to look for and measures to take if the virus is suspected.

Major Edwards says mumps is self-limited and mild disease caused by a virus that typically starts with a few days of fever, headache, muscle aches, tiredness, and loss of appetite, followed by swollen salivary glands. Edwards adds most people who get mumps recover completely in a few weeks, but it is highly contagious among the unvaccinated and in close-quarters and that’s why they are taking preventive measures as they await the test results from the state health department.

Major Edwards notes it make a few days to get the results, adding they will work with state and local officials to track the health of individuals who may have been exposed if thelab results are positive.

Mumps can be prevented thorugh the MMR vaccine, typically administered during well-baby check-ups at 12 to 15 months of age, and again during school-age immunizations at 4 to 6 years of age. People who have been vaccinated wtih MMR vaccine are considered to have immunities to the virus and less likely to contact the mumps.

In addition, people can help prevent the spread of the virus by washing hands regularly with water and soap, avoid sharing drinks and eating utensils, covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, such as toys, doorknobs, tables and counters.

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