Magistrates Approve Bid To Remove Alhambra Seating

Christian County Fiscal Court magistrates accepted a bid for removing the Alhambra Theatre seating during Tuesday morning’s meeting.

Prior to accepting the bid, District 4 Magistrate Darrell Gustafson made a motion to declare the existing seating in the Alhambra as surplus. Magistrates then unanimously accepted the lone bid of more than $150,000 from Irwin Seating Company of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Gustafson advised magistrates the cost will likely be negotiated.

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Magistrates also approved a motion to allow the Pennyroyal Arts Council to sell the seats as a fundraiser.In other business, magistrates approved the 2018 Waste Tire Grant Agreement of $4,000 for next fiscal year. Solid Waste Coordinator Jim Fleming advised magistrates they had a very successful waste tire collection last week, adding they took in upwards of 50,000 tires at the Kentucky Department of Highway Garage. He says everything ran smoothly and thanked all those involved.

Magistrates also approved a Road Warranty Agreement with Atmos Energy. Operations Supervisor Robert Flick says the the agreement is for a project on Edwards Mill Road.

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He adds they will be boring the lines under the road.The next fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday morning, May 8th, at 8:30.

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