Nelson County Goes Homegrown For Superintendent Choice


Superintendent Travis Hamby will remain in the top position at Trigg County Schools after Nelson County School officials announced Friday they have chosen one of their own graduates for the superintendent position.

Nelson County Schools spokesman Tom Dekle announced on the district’s website that the Nelson County Board of Education met in a special meeting Friday and named Wes Bradley as the new superintendent.

Dekle reports Nelson is a 1999 graduate of Nelson County High School and has education credentials from New York to Chicago and back to Kentucky. In 2012, he led the opening of the Thomas Nelson High School, which has become an academic and cultural model for schools across Kentucky maintaining a prominent position in the KY TELL (Teaching, Empowering, Leading, and Learning) Winner’s Circle.

Hamby was among four superintendent candidates chosen for consideration. He visited the Nelson County School Distict earlier this month for a tour and reception at Foster Heights Elementary School, prior to an interview with the Nelson County Board of Educastion.

According to Dekle, Bradley begins his tenure as superintendent May 1.



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