Applications Being Taken For Citizens Police Academy


The Hopkinsville Police Department will be conducting its Citizens Police Academy starting in May. Public Information Officer Lieutenant Kyle Spurlin says the eight week long program highlights the activities of the department and gives the public a chance to see what the department does on a daily basis.

Participants in the Academy will be placed in mock police exercises and scenarios to include driving a patrol car, handling weapons, interacting with canines, and wearing police gear. Classes are taught by members of HPD and gives participants a chance to meet officers and ride-along during a regular patrol shift. Topics covered in the Academy will include Patrol, Investigations, K-9 Demonstrations, Crime Scenes, Firearms Training, Dispatching, Crime Stoppers, and more. Each class participant may also attend a Saturday live fire exercise at the police department’s firearms range. At the end of the eight weeks a graduation ceremony and dinner will be held and participants that complete the course will be awarded a certificate.

There will be a brief background check on each applicant and each class member will be notified of his/her selection. All participants must be 18 years of age or older. The class will meet for two hours, one day a week for eight weeks at 5:30pm, beginning May 10th.

If you are interested in participating in the Citizens Police Academy, applications can be picked up at the Hopkinsville Police Department on North Main Street or on the City of Hopkinsville website. Applications will be accepted at the police department until May 2.



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